News Hot off the Press for the week of November 15th

By: Bekkie Owens

Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement this week, proposing with his beloved mother, Princess Diana’s Sapphire and diamond 32-carat sparkler, Prince William has officially made Kate the envy of many.

The Brits are not the only ones obsessed with the royal family, as many all over the world can’t get enough of this breaking announcement.  It is known and well-documented, Princess Di set  trends with her hair styles, hats and fashion.  Now, almost thirty years later we have a new Princess on the rise as we await the royal wedding.

In other news, Fortune 500 takes a look at the top 40 under 40 highest paid of the year.  Among them we found Roland Fryer, Professor of Economics, being the youngest African-American to ever receive tenure at Harvard.  Fryer completed a controversial study involving paying kids to get good grades.  Speaking of which, early learning strategies and educational programs such as the WINGS Curriculum led by Dr. Bisa Batten Lewis, affectionately called, ‘Dr. Bisa’ will help the role of both parents and teachers to set a clear standard for high achievers. Dr. Bisa is our new addition to the TWS family!

As an up and coming publicist, it saddens and shocks me to learn of shooting death of Ronni Chasen.  Publicist or as she liked to be called, “Press Agent” to the Stars, the 64 year-old fashioned her style after old Hollywood, with clients such as screenwriters, directors, actors, and composers. Ronni Chasen spent over twenty years in the PR industry and will be missed by many.

And that’s this week’s news hot off the press.

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